How to test a business hypothesis?

How to test a business hypothesis?

How to check if a business idea or product is valuable and meets market needs? How to avoid "burning" the budget?

Idea validation is a crucial step in the development of any innovative idea. There are many ways to validate ideas, but one of the most popular is to create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), which is a product that is minimal but sufficient to test the "business hypothesis." There are different types of MVPs that can be used to validate ideas. Here are some of the most commonly used types:

  • A functional MVP consists of the minimum functionality required for a product to work and provide value to users.
  • A MVP prototype is the most popular method, i.e. a simple solution/prototype that allows you to test the basic functionalities of the product and assess its potential.
  • A Smoke Test MVP is a variant that allows you to test interest in a product, for example by measuring the number of clicks on an advertisement or product presentation.
  • A single-feature MVP is an approach that focuses on creating an MVP that contains only one feature, but that feature is fully functional. This type of MVP allows you to verify whether customers actually need the given feature and what their reactions are.
  • A Landing Page MVP is a website that presents the idea of a product and allows you to collect information about the interest of potential customers. It also allows you to collect information about potential customers (so-called leads). This allows you to contact them later and convince them to buy the product.
  • A Concierge MVP is a business idea validation method that involves creating a manually operated product or service that simulates the full finall version, but with less effort and cost.
  • A Wizard of Oz MVP uses humans to create the illusion that a product works automatically, such as by having humans handle customer inquiries instead of an IT solution. It is a type of MVP in which some of the functionality is simulated by humans rather than being fully automated.
  • A Mockup MVP allows you to test an idea without creating a physical product. It aims to present the product concept or functionality in a visual and interactive way. It is a method for testing product ideas that allows for quick presentation and verification of the concept before further investment.such as by having humans handle customer inquiries instead of an IT solution. It is a type of MVP in which some of the functionality is simulated by humans rather than being fully automated.

The choice of the right type depends on the goals and needs of the project. It is important to choose an MVP that will allow for the most accurate validation of the idea, with minimal investment of time and money.

If you have experience in this area and would like to share it with us, please contact us. We also welcome idea owners and investors - we will be happy to suggest the best way to implement your project.

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